The EAAB wishes to notify all PDE candidates who expressed their interest to write either PDE 4 or PDE 5 on the 05 March 2020 by way of completing an enrolment form and making an EFT payment that this serves to confirm that they have been enrolled successfully into the respective PDE and examination seat numbers.
If not yet received, it will be communicated and accessible by MyEAAB AGENTS portal by close of business 04 March 2020 available on
Examination candidates are advised to log onto MyEAAB portal accordingly in order to check and print their respective seat numbers to take with to the examination venue.
Examination candidates are further advised to be seated by 08h30 at the venue.
For those who may have chosen a venue but received communication from EAAB confirming a different venue, they are advised to write at their preferred venue and produce their examination seat number that has been issued.
Examination candidates are also reminded to bring along the following to the venue:
- Your original ID book/passport
- Calculator (no any electronic device is allowed to be used for calculations or for any purpose during the examination, in fact all devices of such nature must be switched off)
- Any useful material for your reference. Remember this is an open book.
- Please print this email and hand to the invigilator. At the examination venue, examination candidates will be required to produce this email.
During the examination, candidates are requested to ensure that they complete the attendance register that will be provided as well as two tear off slips, one will be for EAAB and the other one for the candidates as proof of having written the examination please keep this copy for any queries.
Examination candidates are also reminded to complete the details on the examination script correctly to capture the correct details especially the email address and postal address for any correspondence e.g. examination results and certificates.
The EAAB wishes all candidates all the best for the examination.
Issued by: Education and Training Department
Date: 03 March 2020