This serves to advise that the fee payable to the Estate Agency Affairs Board during the 2019/2020 financial year for the consideration of an application for the grant of an educational exemption by a non-executive director of an estate agency company is the sum of R3 300.00.
If the applicant is a registered estate agent holding a valid fidelity fund certificate with an allocated 7 digit reference number, such amount must be paid into the following bank account, namely:
Account name: Estate Agency Affairs Board
Account Number: 4052033310
Bank name: ABSA
Branch code: 632005
Reference: Applicant’s 7 digit reference number
If the applicant, however, is not a registered estate agent such amount must be paid into the following bank account, namely:
Account name: Estate Agency Affairs Board
Account Number: 1790170535
Bank name: ABSA
Branch code: 632005
Reference: Applicant’s ID number
Upon receipt of the required documentation necessary for the educational exemption application, including proof of the payment of the assessment fee, the educational exemption application will immediately receive the further consideration of the EAAB. It is envisaged that feedback on applications will be communicated to applicants within 14 days of the application.
Issued by: The Education and Training Department
Date issued: June 2019