The South African Government announced that Alert Level 2 will be in place from 00h01 on 18 August 2020. DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT: REGULATIONS: ALERT LEVEL 2 DURING CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 LOCKDOWN [...]
On Monday 22 June 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the commencement dates for most of the remaining parts of the Protection of Personal Information Act. Under section 115 of the [...]
The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act 4 of 2013) gives effect to section 14 of the Constitution which provides that everyone has the right to privacy. The Act promotes the [...]
President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Property Practitioners Act into law on 3 October 2019. The Act seeks to regulate and transform the industry. However, the Department of Human Settlements has [...]
To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest and to provide for matters connected therewith:- 42127gon1409s
The Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act 19 of 2019 aims: to provide for electronic deeds registration, having regard to legislation regulating electronic communication and transactions; and [...]
The CSOS was established in terms of the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act, 2011 (Act No 9 of 2011) to regulate the conduct of parties within community schemes. communityschemesombudserviceact [...]
Courtesy: REBOSA Please find below an executive summary as well as a pro forma Risk Management and Compliance Programme (“RMCP”) template for your use. You can insert your agency’s name where [...]
The Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act, 2017 (FIC Amendment Act) came into effect on 2 October 2017 and has forced FSPs to move to a risk-based (rather than a rules-based) approach, [...]