The Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) wishes to inform estate agents and industry at large that its contract with PrivySeal has come to an end and is in the process of initiating a procurement process for similar services.
The Board has informed PrivySeal that it would not be possible to renew its contract without following an appropriate procurement process as was the case previously when this contract was signed.
The Board further more wishes to advise all involved that we are currently undertaking an open procurement process where all interested parties will be invited to bid for this service.
In this regards we call on the industry to exercise caution and re-iterate that the Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC) renewable annually remains the most important tool of identifying whether or not an estate agent is practising legally.
Consumers are urged to always ask for this certificate when transacting in property with an estate agent and can verify their status by visiting our website, alternatively call us on 087 285 3222.
Issued by the Estate Agency Affairs Board
Date: 03 September 2019